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Ajit Patel Goldshield - Discover Your Amazing Creativity

Discover Your Amazing Creativity – Ajit Patel Goldshield

You know what’s amazing? You. There are more than seven billion humans on planet Earth and not one of them has the same fingerprint as you.

So what? Well that’s the big question. You could choose to believe that having a unique fingerprint is just another reminder of how lonely and insignificant you are in such a huge world. Or… you could choose to be wowed. You could take a moment to look at all the richness of life and be wowed that you are unique among all of it.

I have just one question for you: Which interpretation would make you feel more joyful and alive? I’m hoping that since you’re reading Yourwellness, you chose the latter. Brilliant. You really are amazing.

Sadly, so many amazing people spend far too much of their time doing decidedly un-amazing things. Perhaps that describes you a little more than it should. Maybe the following sounds a little too familiar: You work a job you don’t enjoy, to buy things you don’t need, to impress people who don’t really care about you.

You’ll be glad to know that no matter how closely the above may or may not describe you, there is another way. A way where each day you can be more of your true, unique, amazing self. Another meaning you could choose to take from the fact you possess a one in seven billion fingerprint is that you have a unique contribution to make, a unique gift to share with the world. The question then, is how do you discover yours? After a decade of research, I believe two words sum up the answer: Creativity and inspiration.

One of the things that separates humans from our nearest animal ancestors is the incredible scope of our creative abilities. From artists and archaeologists to Zen masters and zoologists, the human species has mastered an unbelievable number of crafts, and made the world a more rich and fulfilling place as a result.

Your unique fingerprint is a reminder from the universe that you have a creative gift that must be shared because, quite simply, there is no one alive who can share it the way you can. To find out what your creative gift is, you need to do only one thing: Follow your inspiration. What inspires you? What brings you alive? What could you happily spend hours doing? These are some of the key questions you must ask if you wish to tap into the creative genius that lies within you.

Unfortunately, so many of us have been conditioned to ignore such important questions because they are for hippies and dreamers, not for people with real jobs and real problems. Such a mindset misses one very important point that creativity is the force which transforms problems into opportunities, and therefore the more time we can spend developing our own creativity, the better we will be able to rise to the challenges life throws at us.

You may feel that even if you know what inspires you, and you’d love to be doing something else, right now, you simply haven’t the time. Rather than fight it, just start tiny. Let me give you an example. Three years ago, I decided I wanted to improve my written poetry. As well as being an author and creativity expert, I’m also a performance poet. I wanted to raise the standard of my written poetry up to the same level as the pieces I performed. However, I was extremely busy at the time, so I made a promise to myself that before I did anything else each morning, I would write at least one poem. Even if it was only two lines long, I would make sure I’d written something. On average this daily practice took no more than 10 minutes a day, but by the end of six months I’d written so many poems that I was able to put them all into a book.

That is how powerful your unique creativity can be. Just ten minutes a day could be enough to bring something into the world that brings pleasure to millions.

So if you love baking cakes – bake more cakes. If you like making mini-movies on your phone, make more mini-movies. Ask yourself what inspires you, and then do it, even for just ten minutes a day, because whatever it is… it’s why you’re amazing.

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