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Ajit Patel’s 10 Strategies for Successful Business
Being one of the entrepreneur i will suggest you some of the ideas for good and successful business. As for me the most important of...

Greatness of Our Ayurvedhic Medicine
Ayurveda (Sanskrit: आयुर्वेद Āyurveda , "life-knowledge"; English pronunciation /ˌaɪ.ərˈveɪdə/) or Ayurvedic medicine is a system of...

Medicinal Plants in India a Glimpse- Ajit Patel UK, Sanda Wellness & Wellbeing Group
I am mentioning some of the plants, which is used as medicine as well as in cooking. In our Sanda Wellness & Wellbeing group we will be...

WISE WORDS FROM STEVE JOBS - Ajit Patel UK, Sanda Wellbeing & Wellness Group
Steve jobs was one of the person who inspired me in my work as well as life, who i took his life and words as my influence to make some...

HISTORY OF AYURVEDA -Ajit Patel Uk, Sanda Wellbeing & Wellness Group
Ayurveda is a Sanskrit term derived from two words: Ayur, meaning life, and Veda, meaning knowledge; Ayurveda, literally means 'the...

Yoga Vs Meditation - By Ajit Patel UK
A lot of people aren’t really clear on the differences between meditation and yoga. We often hear people say “I’m meditating” or “I’m...

A Trip To Remember (Not The Places But The People) - Ajit Patel UK
I’m Ajit Patel from UK,CEO of Sanda Wellbeing and Wellness Pvt Ltd, going to narrate a story about a families trip to USA which gives a...

We Start 2017 With Some Inspiration - Ajit Patel UK, Sanda Wellbeing & Wellness
Hi i’m Ajit Patel, UK, founder of Sanda Wellbeing and Wellness Groups. Here i like to share some inspirational quotes from some people...

n-gage, World’s First 360 Degree Lifestyle Chat-app launched in India
n-gage, world’s first 360 degree lifestyle chat-app was launched today in India. This is the most advanced and latest messaging app which...

The KISS Principle -By Ajit Patel UK
Are you wondering what “KISS” stands for? Its short for- Keep it Simple and Stupid. In the years that I have been doing business, I have...
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